Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Study On Corporal Punishment Sociology Essay

A Study On Corporal Punishment Sociology Essay Do parents think corporal punishment is an effective form of discipline? Corporal punishment plays an important role in today’s society. It affects the parents’ attitudes physically and physiologically. Academic studies have established that under some circumstances, corporal punishment of children can increase short term compliance with parental commands (Smith, Ray, Stefurak, however, subsequent investigators brought forth a counter argument to some of the different views that were held. These revisionist scholars developed different hypotheses from finding new discoveries as well, such as, if corporal punishment caused parents to become abusive and to what extent parents employed corporal punishment. They used questionnaires and surveys for parents from different demographic regions such as the Appalachian, New England, Midwest, and the Deep South to use as sample population test groups. The population group was sub-categorized by gender, race, and social status. T he researchers’ findings gave the participants the chance to understand if corporal punishment is the best solution for changing a child’s behavior and if they are using corporal punishment for the wrong purposes. One group of researchers discovered that the parental characteristics showed that older parents are less likely to use corporal punishment and that mothers spank more often than fathers (Socolar et al. 2006). Another group of scholars found that a small portion of Appalachian mothers tend to agree with them. From their questionnaire, mothers reported using corporal punishment more frequently than using reasoning and rewards (Fish, Amerikaner, & Conrae, 2006). Other reports suggested mothers were more likely to use corporal punishment if the degree of misbehavior evolved into a power struggle. Physical punishment was indicated as the last resort for gaining control in a disciplinary situation (Smith et al. 2007).

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